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Locations England Scotland. Wednesday, 2nd December at pm. Milcah says:. Thursday, 3rd December at am. Thursday, 3rd December at pm. Carla says:. Andy says:. Friday, 4th December at pm. Ralph says:. Saturday, 5th December at am. On average, how likely is for parcels to fall of conveyor belts and be lost? They were put on ParcelWatch to try and locate them but this didn't bring any success.
I've had no letters of seizure or a request for customs fees - does this happen? Do Customs hold goods with no notification to the recipient? A fourth parcel that was assumed missing was randomly delivered to me, that had been assigned a new tracking number and marked up in pen. This is three out of five parcels lost it does makes me concerned about this specific location at the moment.
The parcels were from Europe, if anyone has any insight into the situation there, it would be very helpful. Thanks in advance. Customs do not notify any party when parcels are seized.
They will only contact the recipient, via the local delivery company, if there is tax to pay. If you tell us what was in the seized parcels we might be able to shed more light on this. Parcelforce usually assign a new tracking number to parcels that come from overseas.
This is linked to the existing record for the old tracking number. Very occasionally that linking process fails: I have seen it happen. Sure, I'll provide more information but please don't judge on my online shopping purchases LOL You've made some immediately interesting points.
I didn't realise Customs could seize and not notify the recipient. Do they notifiy the carrier such a ParcelForce? Given your knowledge and that you have assumed the parcels were seized I'll assume this is possible, I had assumed seizing goods was rare, at least it's not something I have experience before. The items in question go back to late January up until April and include: 1. A Calendar from Germany. Pictures of Teddy Bears.
Nothing I can imagine being of interest to Customs. A pair of leather motorcycle gloves from the Netherlands. A motorcycle under-helmet balaclava and scarf, also from Germany. The items from Germany were all sent via DHL and tracked fine until reaching the Coventry International Hub, where they code as arrived and sorted - none of them were passed on to the National Hub for delivery though.
I re-ordered the calendar and it arrived within 4 days.