Afterwards, the killings multiplied. Gandhi toured riot-torn areas in an appeal for peace and fasted in an attempt to end the bloodshed. Some Hindus, however, increasingly viewed Gandhi as a traitor for expressing sympathy toward Muslims. In , Gandhi endured the passing of his father and shortly after that the death of his young baby. A second son was born in India Kasturba gave birth to two more sons while living in South Africa, one in and one in Godse knelt before the Mahatma before pulling out a semiautomatic pistol and shooting him three times at point-blank range.
The violent act took the life of a pacifist who spent his life preaching nonviolence. Godse and a co-conspirator were executed by hanging in November Additional conspirators were sentenced to life in prison. Satyagraha remains one of the most potent philosophies in freedom struggles throughout the world today.
We strive for accuracy and fairness. If you see something that doesn't look right, contact us! Subscribe to the Biography newsletter to receive stories about the people who shaped our world and the stories that shaped their lives. Indira Gandhi was India's third prime minister, serving from until , when her life ended in assassination.
She was the daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first prime minister. Martin Luther King Jr. After his assassination, he was memorialized by Martin Luther King Jr.
Indian cult leader Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh created the spiritual practice of dynamic meditation. He started the Rancho Rajneesh commune in Oregon in the s. Akbar the Great, Muslim emperor of India, established a sprawling kingdom through military conquests but is known for his policy of religious tolerance. Until his assassination, he vigorously supported Black nationalism.
Abdul Kalam was an Indian scientist and politician who served his country as president from to Considered to be one of the most influential revolutionaries of the Indian independence movement, Bhagat Singh gave his life for this cause. Until Gandhi was assassinated in , his life and teachings inspired activists including Martin Luther King Jr. Olivia Rodrigo —.
Megan Thee Stallion —. Bowen Yang —. See More. Gandhi strongly opposed Partition, but he agreed to it in hopes that after independence Hindus and Muslims could achieve peace internally. Amid the massive riots that followed Partition, Gandhi urged Hindus and Muslims to live peacefully together, and undertook a hunger strike until riots in Calcutta ceased.
In January , Gandhi carried out yet another fast, this time to bring about peace in the city of Delhi. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! Subscribe for fascinating stories connecting the past to the present. During the march, thousands of Indians followed Gandhi from his religious retreat near Ahmedabad to the Arabian Sea Although faced with the challenge of uniting a vast population diverse in culture, language and religion, he The Taj Mahal is an enormous mausoleum complex commissioned in by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan to house the remains of his beloved wife.
Constructed over a year period on the southern bank of the Yamuna River in Agra, India, the famed complex is one of the most Today, with about million followers, Hinduism is the third-largest religion behind Christianity and Islam.
Gandhi was a teenage newlywed. It was an arranged marriage, and Gandhi had The Portuguese nobleman Vasco da Gama sailed from Lisbon in on a mission to reach India and open a sea route from Europe to the East.
After sailing down the western coast of Africa and rounding the Cape of Good Hope, his expedition made numerous stops in Africa Every year around October and November, Hindus around the world celebrate Diwali, or Deepavali—a festival of lights that stretches back more than 2, years.
Diwali occurs on Thursday, November 4. In India, the five-day celebration traditionally marks the biggest holiday of Gandhi's Satyagraha started from Champaran and kheda, where the condition of farmers was worsened by landlords mostly British by imposing taxes and leaving them in an abject poverty. T he peasants were forced to grow cash crops instead of food crops necessary for their survival, and this led to a situation of famine there.
To end that devastating famine and poverty Gandhi organized detailed survey and study, based upon which he began leading the cleaning of the villages, building of schools and hospitals, encouraging villagers to condemn and combat many social evils including pardah and untouchability.
Gandhi organized protests and strikes against the landlords that resulted in to the cancellation of the revenue hikes and collection of taxes until the famine ended. Gandhi employed non-cooperation, non-violence and peaceful resistance as the most effective weapons against the British rule.
It was the Jallianwala Bagh massacre and the violence that followed, after which Gandhi felt an immediate need of a selfcontrolled government and total control over all Indian government institutions. T he concept of Swaraj or complete individual, spiritual and political freedom evolved after this. Gandhi urged the people to boycott foreign made goods, cloths, to resign from government employment and to forsake British titles and honors.
He encouraged people to wear khadi clothes instead of foreign made clothes. Gandhi himself wore a traditional Indian dhoti and shawl, made with yarn he himself spun on a Charkha.
T he campaign was a big success nationwide and people from all sectors, including women of India participated in it. T he movement ended in Feb , when a violent clash in broke in Chauri chaura, Uttar Pradesh. Gandhi was arrested in March, tried for sedition and was sentenced to 6 years imprisonment. Cooperation among Hindu and Muslims also weaken during this period. All efforts made by Gandhi to bridge the differences had little impact on them.
The British government appointed a new constitutional reform under Sir John Simon which did not include any Indian and the result was a boycott of the commission by all Indian political leaders. In December Gandhi demanded the British government to grant India a dominion status and warned them to face a new non- cooperation campaign with a complete freedom as its goal, if their demands were not met.
On 31st December Indian flag was unfurled in Lahore and next year, 26 January was celebrated as the Independence Day by the National Congress Party which was commemorated by almost every Indian organization. In , Gandhi launched a new Satyagraha protesting the tax on salt. He marched from Ahmadabad to Dandi, Gujarat to make salt himself.