When was sunday made the official day of worship

To this day, the Jewish people count their days according to this pattern. Each day begins at sundown and ends the following day at sundown. When the sun goes down a new day begins. The Sabbath begins Friday at sundown and ends Saturday at sundown.

The Sabbath has never changed. Today it is typical for the Jewish people to observe the Sabbath beginning Friday evening. Most Messianic Jews attend worship services Friday evening or Saturday, since both days include the Sabbath. This is quite different from the Western view of days going from midnight until midnight. As I was searching through Exodus, this was my biggest surprise. Though most Christian Churches hold Sunday services, there are quite a few Christian churches that insist that Saturday is the correct day because it is the Sabbath.

And for sure, the Sabbath was the specific day of worship since the book of Exodus. When I came across this other passage from Exodus, it changed everything. But remember, the Sabbath-worship advocates also point to New Testament passages. Generally, Saturday worshipers claim their day is correct because it coincides with the Sabbath.

Gonzalez on Amazon. But the arguments on both sides fall short in light of this nearly forgotten passage in Exodus. This will be a sign between me and you for the generations to come, so you may know that I am the Lord, who makes you holy. Anyone who desecrates it is to be put to death; those who do any work on that day must be cut off from their people. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day is to be put to death.

Exodus Of course, I added the emphasis. Do you see it? The Sabbath law was for Israel. Jesus Christ was crucified on the feast of Passover, and he rose on Sunday —the first day of the week.

Sunday worship began right in and near Jerusalem -at the spiritual and geographical epicenter of the Jewish faith. There was another feast in between them called the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The Passover was a special feast of the Hebrew people The Hebrews were later known as the Jewish people that had been given to them as part of the Law of Moses.

During the first Passover, God instructed the Jewish people to eat the Passover lamb:. Because they were a lesson to them and a prophecy of what was to come.

The Feast of Unleavened Bread told of the cleansing of sin brought by the sacrifice of the Lamb of God. Firstfruits is a celebration of Jesus as the First fruit of all the believers who will also enjoy eternal life by believing in him and his works rather than their own works.

He is the only mediator between God and man, and he came as the perfect sacrificial lamb to take our place in death. Why was the Feast of Firstfruits celebrated? And what is the meaning of this? Those of us who place our trust in him are the rest of the crop that comes after the Firstfruits.

He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. Colossians Sunday —the first day of a new week- is also the 8 th day since the start of the previous week.

They both represent new beginnings, and so does the Resurrection. Indeed, with respect to the last point, His followers, as we have already noted, rested on the Sabbath day according to the commandment at the time Christ was in the grave.

How about the apostles? The Book of Acts reveals that the only day on which the apostles repeatedly were engaged in worship services on a weekly basis was Saturday, the seventh day of the week. After the Scripture reading, they were called upon to speak.

In Philippi Paul and his company went out of the city by a riverside on the Sabbath day, to the place where prayer was customarily made Acts Thus the evidence in the Book of Acts multiplied regarding attendance at worship services on Saturday. Sunday as a worship day? On the other hand, the only case in the entire Book of Acts where there is record of a Sunday meeting is Acts — It was obviously a special meeting that continued all night, inasmuch as Paul was planning to depart and did depart the next day.

But are there not other New Testament texts that indicate there were regular Sunday worship services in New Testament times? Not one! It is true, of course, that there was an occasion or two where Christ met with the disciples on a Sunday evening. He came to them, for example, on the very night after His resurrection; but they were not assembled to celebrate the resurrection, for they did not even recognize that it had occurred John —25; Mark And eight days later He again met with them John — But prior to His ascension He also appeared to the disciples on a number of other occasions, and the record of the one or two specific Sunday evening meetings gives no indication that a new day of worship had been instituted.

Indeed, not once in the Gospel records, nor anywhere else in the New Testament, is there any claim that a Sunday meeting of Christ with His disciples set a precedent for Sunday worship services among Christians. Saturday continued to be, as we have seen, the regular day when apostles attended worship services. Two other texts that some mention as evidence for Sunday worship services in New Testament times are 1 Corinthians and Revelation But it must be immediately noticed that neither of these texts so much as mentions a worship service!

Other translations seem to render the Greek more clearly on this point, to the effect that the money was to be set aside at home. But the Roman province of Asia, to which the Revelation applies, had no Sunday—Easter tradition, either at the time the Revelation was written or even a century later.

And when they came to the first change, it being the hour of breakfast, they entreated him to be of good courage, and to take bread, and eat with them. And John said: I rejoice in soul indeed, but in the meantime I do not wish to take any food.

Does it really make any difference which day we observe as the Sabbath? What does Jesus want me to do? Did the Bible authorize such a change? If so, did God, Christ, or perhaps the apostles make the change? Is there any pronouncement from God that changes the Sabbath from the seventh to the first day of the week?

Moses reminded Israel:. The Ten Commandments are the only message God has ever personally written out for the human race. They are so important that He wrote them on stone with His own finger Exodus In the fourth commandment, God instructs us:. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.

In it you shall do no work. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. He also made it clear that no human being should revise or edit the instruction from His holy lips. The Bible is clear that God did not change the Sabbath from the seventh to the first day of the week. According to Jesus, the Ten Commandments and all the moral principles in the Old Testament Scriptures are not subject to change; they are to continue to guide His followers:.

I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Jesus faithfully honored and observed the Sabbath. He is our example in Sabbath-keeping. Looking to the future, Jesus wanted His disciples to continue experiencing the joys of true Sabbath-keeping.

He instructed them to pray that, during the siege, they would not have to flee from Jerusalem on the Sabbath. Jesus was speaking of the destruction of Jerusalem—an event that took place in A.

Jesus did not change the Sabbath commandment, nor any of the other commandments. In fact, He instructed the rich young ruler to obey the Ten Commandments Matthew


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