In this study, the authors evaluated the safety of further vaccination in children who had experienced an HHE 95 percent experienced with whole-cell pertussis and 80 percent after the first dose. The authors concluded that previously healthy children who experience HHE reactions can safely continue standard vaccination schedules.
Rate of recurrent collapse after vaccination with whole cell pertussis vaccine: follow up study. BMJ ; The authors conducted a follow-up study of 84 children in the Netherlands with reported collapse after their first whole cell pertussis vaccination DTP to determine the rate of recurrence in those who received subsequent doses of DTP.
None of the children had recurrent collapse, and other adverse events were only minor. A controlled trial of two acellular vaccines and one whole cell vaccine against pertussis. The authors compared the efficacy and safety of two acellular pertussis vaccines with whole-cell pertussis and DT alone in more than 14, children within six to 28 weeks of life.
Seizures were either infrequent or did not occur in the vaccine groups. A controlled trial of a two-component acellular, a five-component acellular, and a whole-cell pertussis vaccine.
The authors compared the efficacy and safety of a two-component acellular pertussis vaccine, a five-component acellular pertussis vaccine, a whole-cell pertussis and DT alone in more than 9, children within the first six months of life. DTP was found to have a significantly higher rate of local and systemic reactions, including protracted crying, cyanosis, fever, and local reactions compared with both DTaP vaccines and DT.
DTaP rates of these events were similar to the control group who received DT alone. Seizures occurred infrequently in the 48 hours after any vaccine receipt, and rates were similar among all groups. The safety of acellular pertussis vaccine vs whole-cell pertussis vaccine. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med ; In December , the FDA licensed the first diphtheria, tetanus toxoid, and acellular pertussis vaccine DTaP for use in children aged 15 months to 7 years.
In this study, the authors analyzed post-marketing surveillance data submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System VAERS between late and late to determine whether serious but uncommon adverse events are less frequent after DTaP as compared with whole-cell pertussis DTP vaccine receipt.
An estimated 27 million DTP doses with or without Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine and 5 million DTaP doses were administered during this period. DTaP was associated with significantly fewer total adverse event reports, as well as significantly fewer reports of subcategory adverse events fever, seizures or hospitalization , compared with DTP.
Risk of serious acute neurological illness after immunization with diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine. JAMA ; The authors prospectively identified children between mid and mid in Washington and Oregon states to evaluate the association between receipt of whole-cell pertussis vaccine and serious acute neurological illness within seven days of vaccination. Severe reactions associated with diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine: detailed study of children with seizures, hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes, high fevers and persistent crying.
Pediatrics ; The authors prospectively evaluated children in Los Angeles, California, between and to determine causes and risk factors for severe DTP reactions within 48 hours of vaccine receipt.
Children with seizures had a high rate of personal and family histories of seizures, and 90 percent had documented fevers. Persistent crying was associated with painful local reactions. Neither lymphocytosis nor hypoglycemia occurred. No biologically active pertussis toxin was found in the acute sera of children experiencing possible severe DTP reactions.
As acellular pertussis vaccines have less endotoxin, which is thought to lead to febrile seizures, the authors concluded that use of acellular vaccines should lead to a reduction in DTP-related seizures due to a decrease in febrile events. Acellular pertussis vaccines also have lower local and systemic reaction rates compared with the whole cell vaccine utilized in this study; therefore, persistent crying may also be reduced.
Risk of seizures and encephalopathy after immunization with the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine. The authors evaluated the risk of seizures and other neurological events, including encephalopathy, following DTP immunization in Denmark in more than 38, children who received about , DTP immunizations in the first three years of life.
The authors found no increased risk of febrile or afebrile seizures in the 0- to three-day window following immunization when compared with 30 or more days after vaccine receipt. Two cases of encephalitis were reported, but onset occurred more than two weeks after vaccine receipt.
Griffith AH. Permanent brain damage and pertussis vaccination: is the end of the saga in sight? The author provides an overview of the pertussis vaccine and controversies surrounding its possible link to permanent brain damage.
Reports of permanent brain damage thought secondary to receipt of the pertussis vaccine were published in the s through s. Most notably, a case series suggesting permanent brain damage secondary to pertussis vaccination out of the National Hospital for Sick Children by Kulenkampff and colleagues was the subject of a United Kingdom television documentary in that resulted in a significant decline in vaccination rates and a consequent resurgence of pertussis in England.
Repercussions from this documentary in the UK included the establishment of expert panels and sponsored research teams by the Department of Health and Social Security to examine existing clinical data and to carry out prospective studies including the North West Thames study see Pollock, et al, Lancet data reported below and the National Childhood Encephalopathy Study NCES.
The NCES evaluated reported cases of defined serious neurological disorders arising in children between 2 and 36 months of age admitted to the hospital between mid and mid in the UK. These researchers estimated the attributable risk of neurological damage after pertussis immunization to be 1 in ,, injections, but the report was limited by certain structural biases and incomplete information; furthermore, these results could not be reproduced in subsequent studies.
Regarding the Kulenkampff data, more than half of the cases either could not be linked to pertussis vaccination e. Reexamination of the NCES data showed.
Family history of convulsions and use of pertussis vaccine. J Pediatr ; The authors evaluated data from the CDC Monitoring System for Adverse Events Following Immunization during the period of to to determine the risk of neurologic events after vaccination with DTP in patients with a family history of convulsions compared with those without a family history.
Children with a family history of seizures had an increased risk of neurologic events, primarily febrile convulsions, after DTP receipt, but this increase in risk may reflect a nonspecific familial tendency for convulsions rather than a specific vaccine effect as well as selection bias.
Given the rare occurrence of neurologic events after DTP vaccination, the generally benign outcome of febrile convulsions that accounted for more than 75 percent of the events, and the risk pertussis caused by not vaccinating people with a family history of convulsions, the authors concluded that a history of convulsions in a close relative should not be a contraindication to the pertussis vaccination.
Rather, prevention of post-vaccination fever may be warranted in these children. Infants and children with convulsions and hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes following diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis immunization: follow up evaluation. Pediatrics ;81 6 In a previous prospective study Cody, et al Pediatrics , the authors found that minor reactions e.
Among more than 15, DTP injections, nine children developed seizures and nine developed hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes though no sequelae were detected following these possible temporal reactions. The authors completed a follow-up evaluation six to seven years later in 16 of these children to determine if any had evidence of neurologic impairment too subtle to have been detected at the time of their initial evaluation. All 16 children were considered to be normal by their parents and — as determined by their school performance — had no evidence of serious neurologic damage.
Relationship of pertussis immunization to the onset of neurologic disorders: a retrospective epidemiologic study. The authors examined the temporal relationship between onset of neurologic disorders and the time of pertussis vaccine in children immunized with either DTP or monovalent pertussis at different ages.
They found no relationship between the age of onset of epilepsy and scheduled age of administration of pertussis vaccine; however, a relationship existed between scheduled age of administration and first febrile seizure, which occurred more commonly with the third dose in the series between months of age. No relationship between pertussis immunization and the occurrence of central nervous system infections was noted.
Neurologic events following diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis immunization. Pediatrics ;81 3 The authors assessed the frequency of serious neurologic events following administration of , DTP immunizations in children between and They found no cases of acute unexplained encephalopathy temporally associated with vaccination. The onset of one serious seizure disorder occurred within three days of immunization, with 1.
The incidence of recorded febrile seizures in the immediate post-immunization period was 3. Infantile spasms and pertussis immunisation. Lancet ; The authors investigated the possible role of pertussis immunization and other factors in the etiology of infantile spasms reported to the National Childhood Encephalopathy Study between and in England, Scotland and Wales.
No significant association was found between infantile spasms and pertussis immunization in the 28 days following vaccination. Immunization against whooping cough: a neuropathological review. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol ;9 4 The authors examined published data on childhood deaths which were thought to be due to receipt of the pertussis vaccine and identified an additional 29 children in England and Wales whose deaths between and had been reported as occurring in relation to DTP and had post-mortem examinations.
Deaths occurred within three weeks or up to 12 years after DTP receipt. Upon autopsy, various cerebral abnormalities were found; however, none of the cases in this study or in previous published reports had demonstrated a recurring pattern of inflammatory or other damage that could be accepted as a specific reaction to pertussis immunization.
Reactive changes that were occasionally found appear to be indistinguishable from those seen in other infantile encephalopathies. Pollock TM and J Morris. A 7-year survey of disorders attributed to vaccination in North West Thames Region. You can also check with your state health departments or local health centers for low-cost or free vaccinations. Tdap vaccines are also covered under Medicare part D plans. There may be a cost associated with your specific plan, though, so check with your Medicare representative.
Vaccines for Children is a federally funded program that provides vaccines for children 18 years and younger who are uninsured, underinsured, Medicaid-eligible, American Indian, or Alaska Native.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC recommends that those who are pregnant receive a Tdap vaccine anytime between weeks 27 and 36 of pregnancy. Infants are more likely to develop severe, life threatening complications from whooping cough.
Doctors will recommend a Tdap vaccination schedule depending on your age and vaccination history:. Although the risk of having a severe allergic reaction to a Tdap vaccine is very low, certain people should avoid getting the Tdap vaccine, including:. You can also reach out to federally funded health centers as well as your state health department to learn where to get a vaccine near you.
Getting a Tdap vaccine is an important part of maintaining your health as well as the health of infants. Reach out to your healthcare professional on a regular basis to make sure that your Tdap vaccinations are up to date. Tdap and DTaP are two vaccines that both protect against three diseases: Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis, also known as whooping cough. Learn more…. What may seem like a normal cold to you could actually be whooping cough.
The Tdap vaccine first became available in , and was the first to include pertussis protection for older kids and adults. The Tdap vaccine can be one of the best preventive measures a parent can take to protect against whooping cough, tetanus, and diphtheria. Talk to your healthcare provider today to make sure you and your family are up to date.
Get expert tips to help your kids stay healthy and happy. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. February 28, Pertussis: Summary of vaccine recommendations. January December 17, Pertussis whooping cough.
November 18, Epidemiology and prevention of vaccine-preventable diseases, 13th Edition. Updated May Pertussis frequently asked questions. November Your Privacy Rights. To change or withdraw your consent choices for VerywellFamily. A complete series is 3 doses for people 7 years or older and 4 doses for children younger than 7. In regard to pertussis, there has been an overall increasing trend in reported cases since the s.
In spite of this, pertussis affects many fewer people today than before pertussis-containing vaccines became widely available in the s. There are several reasons to help explain why we are seeing more cases recently:. The acellular pertussis vaccines now used in the United States do not protect for as long as the prior whole cell pertussis vaccine.
CDC is looking into whether molecular changes to may also be contributing to the resurgence. In studies demonstrating the efficacy of the pertussis component for children who get all 5 doses on schedule, DTaP fully protects:. In studies demonstrating the efficacy of the pertussis component when women get Tdap during pregnancy, the vaccine prevents:.